Crusher outer bushings are generally made of the following materials:Tin bronze:Characteristics: high strength, hardness and good abrasion resistance, good corrosion resistance in the atmosphere, fres···
The difference between aluminum bronze and tin bronze is mainly in the following aspects:First, the composition is differentAluminum bronze:Aluminum as the main alloying element, generally also contai···
The main differences between the performance characteristics of brass bushings and bronze bushings are as follows:Mechanical properties:Brass bushings:good plasticity and strength, moderate hardness. ···
The main materials of bronze bushing inside the crusher are as follows:Tin bronze:Characteristics: tin as the main alloying element, with high mechanical properties, good wear reduction properties and···
The following are some of the advanced equipment used for machining flanged copper bushing:CNC LatheWorking Principle: Through the computer digital control system to accurately control the movement an···
The experimental principle of the coefficient of friction meter for measuring copper slide plates is based on the following concepts and procedures:Generation and measurement of friction:Conceptual ba···
The hardness ofcopper slide plateis affected by the following factors:First, the material compositionAlloying elements: different alloying elements will have a significant impact on the hardness of co···
There are the following differences between thrustbearingand skateboard bearing:First. Structural characteristicsThrust bearing:usually consists of thrust disk, thrust tile block, bearing housing and ···